The Three Sisters Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1

Olga: You do look lovely today—you seem really beautiful. And Masha is beautiful too. (1.12)

The women's beauty matters in this society. It affects their romantic opportunities and, therefore, their stability.

Quote #2

Solyony: When a man talks philosophy you get philosophy, or at least sophistry, but when a woman talks philosophy, or two women, all you get is wee, wee, wee, all the way home. (1.46)

Whoa dude. That's not the best way to make yourself very popular in a house run by women.

Quote #3

Vershinin: I don't remember you individually; all I remember is that there were three of you. Three sisters. (1.79)

The title of the play comes from Vershinin's line. And it's a little unfair how it blends the three of them together, but just wait—he'll figure out how to tell them apart once he starts having an affair with one of them.