Ian Peterson Timeline and Summary


Ian Peterson Timeline and Summary

  • Ian Peterson visits John Renfrew at Cambridge.
  • After hearing Renfrew and Markham's plans to send messages back in time with tachyons, he secures funding for their experiment.
  • Later, he flies to California where he receives a message left for him in a safety deposit box. The message is from someone at the University of California at La Jolla who received the message in the past.
  • Peterson tries to convince Renfrew not to send the message requesting the safety deposit message since he's curious as to what would happen if they create a paradox. Renfrew convinces him otherwise.
  • During a dinner at Renfrew's house, Peterson flits with Marjorie.
  • Later, Peterson meets a girl named Laura at a restaurant in London. The food is poisoned, though, and Peterson ends up in the hospital.
  • Knowing the world's about to go kaput, a still sick Peterson leaves the hospital to grab his bug out bag. He finds his wife, Sarah, having a party, but he doesn't tell her his plans and sneaks away.
  • He briefly stops by Renfrew's house to talk with him, but finds Marjorie alone in the dark instead; the two have a one-night stand.
  • Peterson travels to his country home, a place he's been fortifying with stored up food and impenetrable walls.
  • There, Peterson decides to wait out the end of the world as he knows it.