To a Waterfowl Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

William Cullen Bryant was a pretty well-connected dude, so well-connected, in fact, that he once corresponded with Honest Abe Lincoln—true story. (Source.)

Who knew that William Cullen Bryant had something to do with the establishment of New York's Central Park? Yep, he wrote an editorial in 1844 that contributed in no small degree to the park's establishment in 1859. (Source.)

William Cullen Bryant did a lot of translating in his life (mostly from ancient Greek and Roman texts). At one point, he even translated the Iliad. (Source.)

Did you know that William Cullen Bryant was a big player in the journalism scene? He worked for the New York Evening Post for 52 years (1826-1878). For 49 of those years, he was the editor in chief. (Source.)