To Brooklyn Bridge Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

The Brooklyn Bridge is known for the number of people who died during its construction. Both the architect, A.J. Roebling, and his son died from bridge-related injuries or illnesses (source).

Hart Crane committed suicide by jumping off a boat on the way back from Mexico. His last words were reported to be, "Goodbye, everybody!" (source).

The Romantic poet with whom Crane's style is most frequently compared is Percy Shelley, author of "Ode to the West Wind." Eerily, both Shelley and Crane died from drowning (source). When will these Romantics learn about the importance of life jackets!

Crane's father was a candy maker in Ohio – he created the Life Saver! But then he sold the patent before they could get rich (source).