Tuck Everlasting Theme of Choices

One big choice looms over all of Tuck Everlasting: should Winnie drink the immortality water? Does she want to live forever? Pretty hefty, right? But wait a sec—maybe the bigger issue isn't the choice that Winnie has but the lack of choices that the Tucks have. They're stuck where they are, no questions asked. So the next time you're stressed about which shows to prioritize on the DVR, be thankful that you even have the option.

Questions About Choices

  1. Why do you think Winnie doesn't drink from the spring in the end? Would you have made the same choice?
  2. Which is worse in Tuck Everlasting: to have a tough choice to make or to have no choice at all?
  3. Other than the whole immortality thing, what choices does Winnie have to make throughout the novel?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

If the Tucks could go back in time and decide whether or not to drink from the immortality spring, Jesse would totally still do it. He thinks being immortal is a giant excuse to have fun.

Winnie made the wrong choice.