Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis


Beans. Slow Poke. Pork Chop. Turtle. Never in a million years would we guess that these are characters' names if we were asked what they meant, so we know they must be important. When Turtle asks what's the deal with all the strange nicknames, Slow Poke tells her:

"It's just the Key West way, Turtle." (7.72)

Notice the emphasis he places on Turtle's name? Yeah, that's because she's rooted in Key West whether she likes it or not. It's where her mom's from, which is pretty clear if you pay attention to just how well Turtle's name blends in with all the other odd monikers.

Names don't just clue us into people's Key West-ness, though—they're more specific than that. Take Turtle for example. She's got a hard shell and a soft inside, just like a turtle. And Slow Poke has always taken his time to do everything. The names in this book, then, are usually the first thing we learn about someone, and they clue us into a key quality to a person's character.

Family Life

Turtle is never one to sugar coat it, so when it comes to family, she comes right out and tells us:

Maybe it's because it's only ever been Mama and me, but I don't understand what's so wonderful about having a big family. (8.1)

It's not that she's against her cousins or grandma; she's just not used to having them around, and she doesn't feel like she's really missing anything by not having them in her life. Spending time with them helps her learn a lot about her history and grow, though—revealing Turtle more fully to both herself and us as readers.