The War of the Titans Trivia

The War of the Titans Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

All of the planets in our solar system (and most of their moons) are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology. Many of them appear in Hesiod's Theogony.

The Romantic poet, John Keats, made two attempts to write an epic poem about the imprisonment of the Titans. The poems were titled Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion, after one of the original Titans born to Uranus and Gaia. Keats abandoned both attempts before finishing because he wasn't satisfied with how they were turning out. (Source.)

The modern fiction author, Dan Simmons, wrote a pair of books called Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion. Sound familiar? Well, they were based partly on the unfinished poems by Keats. Simmons' novels make a lot of allusions to ancient mythology, including a giant, world spanning river that Simmons named Tethys, presumably after the Titan. (Source.)

Gaia is the name of the planet in games Seven and Nine of Square Enix's popular <em>Final Fantasy</em> video game series. Several games in the series also feature a Titan that players can summon to aid them in battle. Sweet!

The <em>Clash of the Titans</em> movie (both versions) has nothing at all to do with the war between the Titans and the Olympians. Tricky, huh? The Kraken that appears in the <em>Clash of Titans</em> movies is not a Titan. "Kraken" is actually more of a generic term for "giant sea monster."

Maybe it's just us, but it seems ironic that the Titanic, a ship named after the Titans, crashed and sank before finishing its first voyage. The Titans were defeated, and so was the Titanic.

The 2011 movie <em>Immortals</em> portrays the Titans as a large group resembling some sort of native tribe. We have no idea why. Check the "Best of the Web" section for a few pictures.