The Wave Robert Billings Quotes

"So can I do it," Robert asked. "I know you need a bodyguard. I could do it, Mr. Ross." (11.27)

Ben and Robert both undergo drastic changes in identity during this experiment-gone-wrong. Here we see it in action: in a split second, Ben becomes someone that needs to be protected, and Robert becomes a bodyguard. Easy as pie. (Can you see why things were able to spiral out of control so quickly?)

Robert Billings

Quote 2

"Laurie Saunders is a threat," Robert stated bluntly, "She must be stopped." (14.34)

Robert has the most to lose if The Wave is stopped. We get that. But these words show that he's willing to hurt others in order to stay popular and powerful. We do feel sorry for Robert, but his willingness to turn to violence makes Shmoop think he has some serious problems – way beyond the scope of The Wave.

Robert Billings

Quote 3

"Yeah, but I don't like Robert's attitude," David hissed back. "It's like we must wipe out anyone who resists us. That's the exact opposite of how we should approach this." (14.39)

David seems to have the right idea. If they want to show that The Wave is a good thing, bumping people off is probably not the best option. But it turns out David is a little more attached to The Wave than he thinks, and this becomes glaringly clear when he, too, turns to violence.