Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Philip Herriton

Philip likes to think that he knows all the things. He's educated, well-traveled, sophisticated, and intelligent. He enjoys being in a position to give people advice, and when Lilia sets off for Italy, Philip peppers her with suggestions on where she should go and what she should do.

But as the novel progresses, Philip grows increasingly aware of his own lack of knowledge and experience of the world. Despite his desire to don the cape of Guide and Mentor, Philip realizes at the end of the novel that he in fact knows very little and shouldn't be so quick to dole out advice.

But still, it's because of Philip that Miss Abbott learns a lot about the world, and learns to grow up. The contrast between Gino and Philip, for example, causes her to start viewing the world intimately, rather than relying on the too cool for school shtick that Philip adopts.