

Robert Zemeckis

Robert Zemeckis might be part robot.

Rob-ert. Rob-ot. Coincidence? We don't think so.

We're suspicious of Zemeckis' cyborg status because he's a director who has always blended technology into his films. He's either preparing his defense against the Singularity, or moving us rapidly toward it.

We think it's the latter.

Zemeckis got his start with the film I Wanna Hold Your Hand (1978). As you might guess from the title, it features archival footage of The Beatles, making it seem like they're in the movie. That film wasn't a success, and Zemeckis wouldn't rake in gold at the box office until the 1984 adventure Romancing the Stone.

From there, he directed the Spielberg-produced Back to the Future. It was a huge hit, obviously, and paved the way for him to helm Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, also produced by Stevie S.

Zemeckis brought in Christopher Lloyd, the mad doc from BttF, to play Judge Doom, and Kathleen Turner, who romanced Michael Douglas' stones in Romancing the Stone, to voice sultry seductress Jessica Rabbit.

For the cartoon co-stars, Zemeckis relied on director of animation, Richard Williams, to bring the 2D Toons into the third dimension. (Source)

After Back to the Future and Roger Rabbit, Zemeckis became Hollywood's go-to guy for films that were also technological marvels. He showed us Tom Hanks meeting Richard Nixon in Forrest Gump and Meryl Streep trying to stay forever young in Death Becomes Her, two films with visual effects that still impress today. Being a director is "the perfect blend of technology and artistry," said Zemeckis in an interview. (Source)

A likely excuse from our future supreme robot overlord.