
Women, non-white actors, and cartoon rabbits have a hard time getting work in Hollywood. The discrimination against rabbits is especially apparent when you consider what a blockbuster success Roger Rabbit was, yet the rabbit himself never appeared in another movie.

We blame Tom Hanks for stealing his career. Roger would have been fantastic as the lead in Cast Away.

Rumors of sequels to Roger Rabbit are more crazy and numerous than the gadgets in Acme's warehouse. A script for Roger Rabbit: Toon Platoon was never produced. Legendary producer Frank Marshall dropped hints to a sequel in 2012, even though Bob Hoskins had retired from acting at the time. (He would pass away in 2014).

And J.J. Abrams (The Force Awakens) once pitched an idea for a Roger Rabbit sequel to Spielberg himself. (Source)

So how can fans get more of this wily wabbit—not to be confused with wascally wabbit, Bugs Bunny?

Gary K. Wolf wrote a sequel to his original book in 2013, titled Who Wacked Roger Rabbit?

And a seven-minute Roger Rabbit short called "Tummy Trouble" played before Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Like the short cartoon that opens Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, this one also features Baby Herman getting his hapless hare of a babysitter into trouble. Two other shorts followed, but together, all three shorts comprise a scant twenty-two minutes.

The world deserves more wabbit. Er, rabbit.