William Shakespeare Video & Audio

"To Be or Not to Be"

Hamlet's famous soliloquy, by the great Laurence Olivier.

Hamlet on the Street

18-year-old actor Craig Bazan performs Hamlet on a street corner in his hometown of Camden, New Jersey. He's awesome.

St. Crispin's Day speech

The amazing, go-get-'em speech from Henry V.

Lady Macbeth Loses It

Dame Judi Dench in the sleepwalking scene.

Macbeth Rap

Flocabulary's excellent summary of Macbeth, with mad rhymes.

Romeo and Juliet

The whole play in 12 minutes, by the hilarious Reduced Shakespeare Company.

Shakespeare Sketch—A Small Rewrite

Comic Hugh Laurie imagines a day in the life of the Bard.

Shakespeare and the Beatles

Here are the Beatles performing a Shakespearean skit on British TV in 1964, because… well, why not?

Elizabethan Insults

Make your own and swear like Shakespeare!