The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book Title.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And the first person he thought of was Christopher Robin. (Winnie-the-Pooh.1.41) 

This is right after Pooh's encounter with the Gorse-bush, which we know is more than just a gorse-bush (See "Symbols"). This is our first sign of the profound, genuine emotional connection between Pooh and Christopher Robin—in a time of need, Pooh automatically goes to his friend.

Quote #2

"Hallo, Pooh," he said. "How's things?" 

"Terrible and Sad," said Pooh, "because Eeyore, who is a friend of mine, has lost his tail. And he is moping about it." (Winne-the-Pooh.4.31-32)

Friendship is a two-way street. It requires empathy, understanding and perspective. Pooh cares so much for his friend that Eeyore's sadness makes him sad too. Awwww.

Quote #3

So Kanga and Roo stayed in the Forest. And every Tuesday Roo spent the day with his great friend Rabbit, and every Tuesday Kanga spent the day with her great friend Pooh, teaching him to jump, and every Tuesday Piglet spent the day with his great friend Christopher Robin. So they were all happy again. (Winnie-the-Pooh.7.157)

Enough said... okay we can never say enough. These are all such ordinary things, but for Milne, doing ordinary things with friends is the source of all sorts of happiness. So go see your friends! But come back and finish reading the Learning Guide, too. Promise?