The Witch of Blackbird Pond Appearance Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

Only three shabbily-dressed women lingered near her, and because she could not contain her eagerness, Kit smiled and would have spoken, but she was abruptly repulsed by their sharply curious eyes. One hand moved guiltily to her tangled brown curls. She must look a sight! No gloves, no cover for her hair, and her face rough and red from weeks of salt wind. But how ill-mannered of them to stare so! (1.31)

Though only in America for a few moments, Kit learns that she will very much be judged by outward appearances.

Quote #2

The captain lifted the iron knocker and let it fall with a thud that echoed in the pit of the girl’s stomach. For a moment she could not breathe at all. Then the door opened and a thin, gray-haired woman stood on the threshold. She was quite plainly a servant, and Kit was impatient when the captain removed his hat and spoke with courtesy. (3.6)

In this passage, Kit mistakes her aunt for a servant. We learn that the New Englanders aren’t the only ones who will have to stop judging by appearances.

Quote #3

As Kit threw back the woolen cloak, Judith’s reaching hand fell back. “My goodness!” she exclaimed. “You wear a dress like that to travel in?” (3.30)

Kit is used to elaborate and expensive clothing – this seems otherworldly and impractical to Judith, who was raised in a Puritan family.