Woman on the Edge of Time Theme of Love

Connie is unlucky in love. Like really unlucky in love. As in, multiple loves of her life are violently killed and everyone she cares about (her daughter, her niece) is taken from her. In order to love and be loved she needs to swoop into the future and have phantom sex and then even that gets taken away from her.

Loving in Woman on the Edge of Time is really hard. If, like Skip, you do manage to have a successful love life in this messed-up world, somebody'll tell you that you're doing it the wrong way and doctors will get their brain implants and force that love out of you.

Questions About Love

  1. In the novel, does Connie's love always lead to violence?
  2. How does the future of Mattapoisett treat love differently than the present?
  3. What is the most important love in Connie's life?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Connie is considered crazy because she can't love.

Connie is considered crazy because she loves too much.