Wonder Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"That guy made the funniest face!" said Jack as we sat down at our desks.

"I know, right?" I said. "He was like, whoa!"

"I swear, I think he wet his pants!"

We were laughing so hard that the teacher, Mr. Roche, had to ask us to settle down.

Later, after we finished reading about how ancient Sumerians built sundials, Jack whispered: "Do you ever want to beat those kids up?" (1.Jack Will.3-7)

As their friendship develops and Jack sees all the weird reactions Auggie constantly deals with, Jack feels outrage on his friend's behalf. He's beginning to imagine how he would feel if those things were happening to him. Diagnosis: early-stage empathy.

Quote #2

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded.

"Thanks, Auggie," she giggled. "You know, that's what I like best about you. I feel like I can tell
you anything."

"Yeah?" I answered, nodding. I gave her a thumbs-up sign. "Cool beans." (1.Halloween.30-32)

Self-disclosure + acceptance = key ingredients of friendship.

Quote #3

But it wasn't just the way she looked that was different: she was acting differently, too. I can't say she wasn't nice, because she was, but she seemed kind of distant, like I was a casual friend. It was the weirdest thing in the world. (2.Major Tom.4)

Miranda is suddenly exploring her identity, changing her appearance and redefining her social circle. Via, on the other hand, is a very steady kid—she knows who she is. So she's pretty weirded out by Miranda's departure from her former self.