World War II: Home Front Statistics

World War II: Home Front Statistics

By the Numbers

War Supplies Built by American Workers Between 1941 and 1945

U.S. Military Bomber Aircraft: 49,123
Fighter Aircraft: 63,933
Cargo Aircraft: 14,710
Total U.S. Military Aircraft: 127,7661

Ships produced by U.S. Maritime shipyards between 1939 and 1945: 5,7772

American Unemployment Rate

1940: 14.6%
1941: 9.9%
1942: 4.7%
1943: 1.9%
1944: 1.2%
1945: 1.9%3

Number of Unionized Working People

1941: 10.5 million
1945: 14.75 million

Percent of the total non-agricultural workforce unionized in 1945: 35.5%, a record high4

Perecent Growth of Population Between 1940 and 1945

In California: 35.7%
In Washington: 35.3%
In Oregon: 18.2%
In total on the West Coast: 33.7%5

African-American Migration

Estimated number of African-Americans who moved out of the South in 1943: 700,000

Estimated number of African-Americans who moved to Los Angeles, California in 1943: 120,0006