You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down Tone

Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful?

Frank, Humorous, Thoughtful

Walker has no problem telling it like it is, to the point of bluntness. For example: "Like many thoughtful women of the seventies, she had decided women were far more interesting than men" (Porn.1).


Walker is especially candid, insightful, and slyly humorous in her tone when addressing the faults of her characters. Here's the hard truth she dishes about Irene, for example: "Like most people who have come to believe they are better than they are, Irene resented the notion that she could be intolerant" (Source.191).

Walker is simply not interested in allowing her characters to hide their own foibles. She wants to put it all out there for us to see.