Today in History

What went down and why you should care.

nov 02 Learn More Warren G. Harding Born

You know the old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? For President Warren G. Harding, that advice would've been especially helpful. After moving into the White House, Harding, who was born on this day in 1865, wasted no time in installing his buddies in a bunch of important political positions where they'd be powerful and in charge of a whole bunch of cash. And his buddies wasted no time in screwing things up, most famously in the Teapot Dome scandal. Historians claim that Harding didn't know his pals were greedy, lawless schemers, but, if you ask us, his judgment remains questionable. After all, this is a guy who, as president, let his dog, Laddie Boy, sit in on Cabinet meetings and give newspaper interviews about Prohibition.

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