
Let's face it: as an air tanker pilot, or aerial firefighter of any stripe, you only have power over your own actions. You control how you fly the plane, where you drop your water or retardant (your high school bully won't know what hit him), and how you avoid collisions with the other aircraft in your airspace. You sure don't have any power over your teammates' actions or the whims of winds and weather (despite how cool that would be).

On the other hand, your team can coordinate its actions to become a powerful firefighting force. Each air tanker pilot can place the water or retardant exactly where it's needed to knock down the fire for the ground crew. Highly maneuverable helicopters can drop their loads, suck up more water from a nearby lake, and return to hit the fire again. 

Your incident commander can choreograph this multi-sensory aerial ballet, quickly adapting to the fire's movements and allocating resources where they're most needed. Working together, your team makes a powerfully formidable opponent determined to stop the fire in its tracks. Think Voltron, but with significantly fewer wiggly white lines.