
Average Salary: $21,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $876,708

Note: Salary will be higher if you also star in movies. (Source)

The average annual haul for, well, hauling bags back and forth in a hotel is around $20,000–$24,000 per year (source).

This averages out to about ten bucks an hour plus $2–$5 for each tip, which could add up to a decent amount if you're in a good location and stay fairly busy. NYC bellhops make the most money (source). Vegas high rollers can also be generous with their tipping hands, but not by much (source).

It's not exactly enough money to retire early or take care of a family. And it's definitely not enough to pay back student loans, in case you're thinking of going back to school. This job is best suited for part-timers and students who are off for summer and winter breaks.