
We're not going to claim every boxer will be living the dream. But if you're in it for the long haul, and you're willing to roll with the punches, there is a lot of room for fulfilling work in boxing. Titles can range in prestige, from "Possum County Pro-Am Featherweight Champion" to "Heavyweight Champion of the World." Whatever the title, fighting for it and holding it is an honor that all boxers respect.

Sadly, even the greatest boxers don't have the muscle to take on a POTUS. (Source)

There is the obvious glory of the game itself and that fancy feeling of standing over a fallen foe. Beyond that, though, many of the most famous heavy-hitters are involved with various forms of charity and philanthropy.

Currently retired super-legend Muhammad Ali has donated to nineteen charities, and has three named after himself: The Muhammad Ali Center, The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, and the Ali Care Program (source).