
Find yourself. Or at least find a job.

Personal Care and Culinary Services Careers

Okay, so we’ve got a couple of different worlds here. But there’s a common denominator—taking care of people. Whether that means attending to them in old age, giving them a manicure…or filling their bellies with a delicious beef stroganoff.

If you really want to help people, you might want to consider spending roughly half your life in medical school and becoming a surgeon…but if you don’t think you’re cut out for that kind of work (or would like to see the sun between the ages of 22 and 30), then a career in the field of Personal Care could be a solid Plan B.

You might be providing a helpful service, like grooming someone’s dog or arranging a funeral for an expired loved one, or you may be more directly involved in the caring process, as a childcare worker, for example. Just be aware that, if you choose to go into this line of work, you may need someone to care for you as well. Nearly every career in the field pays bupkes (give or take a few dollars), so you may want to have an old, rich relative on standby, just in case.

A career in the culinary arts is moderately higher paying, and opportunities are always plentiful, but turnover is high and there’s always the risk that a meal you’re preparing will eat you before your customers have a chance to eat it.

It’s also fairly difficult to maintain a shape other than that of a grossly oversized pear when you spend all day, every day, around delicious, freshly cooked food. Depending on your particular style of cooking, you may actually eat healthier than most (you’d sooner eat your own fist than go through the drive-through at Burger King), but the temptation to keep shoveling tasty comestibles into one’s pie hole is too tough for some to resist. Which is part of the reason people like Emeril, Guy Fieri and Paula Deen always struggle when it comes to the swimsuit competition.

If you’re a people person, a career in Personal Care could be a good fit. Look—it’s even got the word “person” right in there.

It usually doesn’t take a whole lot of book smarts to be hired within the field, but it does require training and a certain level of expertise. And if providing a valuable service to someone in need of your assistance is all it takes for you to feel fulfilled, then good on you.

You genuinely care, and we care that you care.

Careers In This Field




Pet Groomer

Pet Sitter


Occupational Therapist



Fast Food Franchise Owner

Liquor Distributor

Niche Food Entrepreneur




Celebrity Personal Assistant




Au Pair/Nanny


Day Care Operator

Flight Attendant

Wedding Planner

Restaurant Critic