Bell Curve

Bell Curve


You barely graduate med school and have to do your internship online. You have just enough money to buy Ramen noodles after trying to pay off your student loans. Weren't you supposed to be rich as a doctor?


You graduate from a halfway decent med school but find that you're uncomfortable around people, and can't handle the sight of blood. This is going to be difficult.


You graduate from a respected med school, do your internship at a place like Johns Hopkins, you join the staff of a local practice and learn the ropes while planning your move to concierge medicine.


You get lucky right out of the gate at med school and discover that someone you dated is now a big celebrity and gets wind that you're a doctor forming a new practice in concierge medicine. Luckily, you two parted ways amicably and she gives you a chance to prove yourself by putting you on retainer. Word of mouth grows as does your client base.


You're the next Ronald Primas, concierge doc to the stars. You are so successful and well known and good at what you do that they create a whole TV show about you. You treat everyone from movie stars to politicians to heiresses to royalty. When fans ask for their favorite celebrity autographs, they ask for yours too.