Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Not for the faint of heart. Salary: Not worth it.

It's your first day on the job and there's a triple homicide. You blow chunks as you have to deliver the news to the family. It's not too late to change careers and become a plumber.


CSI: Coroner's Surely Inept. Salary: $14,000

You accidentally send the wrong body to a family that cremates the remains only to discover your mistake too late. Oh well, ashes to ashes, we all fall down.


Small-town Coroner Salary: $65,000

Your weird Uncle Rick got you the job and there's not too much work involved, which is nice...but he keeps making jokes about the dead getting back up and walking around. It gets especially unsettling after marathoning The Walking Dead last weekend.


All in a day's work. Salary: $84,000

You discover the cause of death on an important case that leads to a mass murderer's arrest and conviction, preventing countless other people from becoming his victim.


Are you sure this isn't ABC's newest crime-drama? Salary: $95,000

You are a fabulous coroner. You single handedly turn around a district where incompetence and mistakes were ruining lives and do a professional, accurate job that helps everyone feel justice is served.