20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Even in times where jobs can be hard to find, many companies use relocation services as part of their recruitment package. Finding and keeping the best employees will always be a challenge and your expertise is a big part of the strategy to accomplish this goal. 

As cities get even more crowded, they become more intimidating to those who have never visited or plain don't have experience living in a large metropolis. The need for someone to help a company's new employees navigate their future cities will only become more and more important as time wears on.

The only thing working against you will be the big bad internet. With teleconferencing and video chatting, sometimes people can get by working remotely. Of course it is usually preferred to have people actually physically in the office, but as technology improves, this could be something to look out for.

But in the next twenty years? You'll be fine. Plenty of jobs just can't even be done remotely. Think a telecommuting surgeon is a good idea? We don't.