
Average Salary: $64,950

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $2,711,533

Social justice workers are notoriously underpaid, which is uncool because they do really important work. However, the EEOC is the exception to the rule. For somebody whose job centers around upholding truth, justice, and the American way, you'll be paid an unusually high wage.

The median wage for an Equal Rights Opportunity Officer is $64,950 per year, which works out to about $31.23 per hour (source). At the very worst, you're still doing better than most of the American workforce with a salary of about $37,000 a year (source), and if you do really well for yourself, you can get that six-figure salary. 

That's right, $100,000 a year (source). For a nine-to-five office job, that's pretty good. For a social justice job, that's astonishingly good. You might have to deal with endless government bureaucracy, but at least you'll be happy on payday.

"I'm glad we had that little...conversation with the bosses." (Source)

There's another little bonus to being an expert in worker's rights: you'll be a great negotiator when it comes to your own rights as a worker. All those hours spent convincing other people to change their discriminatory policies will come in handy when it's time to convince your boss that you deserve a big, fat raise and better benefits. Go get 'em, tiger.