Physical Danger

Physical Danger

The most dangerous part of this entire job is probably the city of Los Angeles itself. Just kidding, Angelenos. We love your town. Go Dodgers. Please don't hurt us.

The real biggest danger is all of the traveling associated with the job. Whether you work for Paramount or in a "home office" in your mom's basement, you'll need to know what films are out there. 

The big festivals (Sundance, Cannes, Toronto Film Festival, Tribeca) are in different states or countries, and to get a crack at the films that will be filling the theaters means attending all of those screenings and meeting the filmmakers.

There are also the meetings you'll attend, the various countries you'll visit, and the hotel buffets you'll hopefully not get sick from. You'll be spending a lot of hours on the road, so make sure to stay focused and aware. You'll also be pushing yourself way too hard at different points in the year. 

You don't want to be the person who falls asleep behind the wheel. That person doesn't make movies; they make the ten o'clock news instead. Make sure you try and stay as well-rested as possible.