Physical Danger

Physical Danger

Respect the glue. (Source)

Anytime you're working with tools that can cut through hardwood like butter, there'll be an element of physical danger. Power saws, drill presses, staple guns, glue...yes, glue. Picture getting your hand glued to a two-by-four, flailing around as you try to shake it loose, and knocking a co-worker out. It happens more than you'd think.

Being around power tools can be hard on the hearing. Be sure to wear sound dampeners whenever possible, or else you'll find yourself at a concert and not realize the band started until midway through the set. You'll also be on your feet a lot, which can lead to back problems down the road.

Eye protection is also a good idea. Wood dust and splinters can fly through the air, and staples can bounce up if you're not careful. We also recommend that you not close both eyes as an added measure of protection. You'd think that would be the super-safe thing to do, but trust us.