
Oh, hello, I'd like to speak to a locksmith please. (Source)

You want some power? How about all of the power? If you think of power as one person's ability to help another person's life become instantly better, then locksmiths are basically superheroes. Locked out of the house? Call a locksmith. Found an old safe and need it cracked open? Call a locksmith. Keys stuck in the car, and the hanger you've been playing with for half an hour just won't grab the darn latch? You know what to do.

It's all in a day's work for your friendly neighborhood locksmith. In the nick of time, you swoop in with your key codes and power tools to save the days of hurried office workers everywhere. Even replacing locks to keep out evil exes can be the difference between safe and sound and unsafe and vulnerable. 

Not only do you have a lot of power as a locksmith, your job is incredibly important to people. Sure, the police come and investigate crimes after they happen; part of your job is helping ensure the bad people can't get what they want in the first place.

However, as with any super-powered individual, there is always the possibility of turning to the dark side. The tools of your trade are in many cases exact replicas of the kinds of tools nefarious evildoers use to get into homes, businesses, and even super-secure high tech vaults. The line between working hard and breaking and entering is consent; make sure you have it wherever you use your tools.