
You set up and manage your company's intranet, along with all their WANs and LANs. That's a little like power, right?

Steve said I look orange? I've never even set foot in a tanning salon... (Source)

If it feels like you don't have much power, just remember: you can take down the entire network just because you're bored. On a whim. You'll be fired, of course—but you could do it. Also, with some strategic edits to coworkers' emails, you can transform your workplace into an episode of Jersey Shore.

You'll be fired for that too, but the point is, you have the power to do it. Your access to the entire network architecture will allow you to affect your coworkers' professional lives and your company's overall efficiency. But often enough, if what you're doing is too, uh, entertaining, you can lose your job for it. So, make of that what you will.