
You can strike oil. Alberta was a sleepy Canadian province before oil was found there. After 133 attempts to fund a large oil reserve and $23 million on dry holes, an Imperial Oil rig found a huge reserve hidden underneath wheat. Five years and $300 million in oil production later, Alberta's economy will never be the same. The oil rig pumped oil for thirty-seven years before it was shut down. Alberta was able to pay off its debt and the rest is glorious history.

You may also find glory in your environment. Not all oil rigs are stuck in the middle of the ocean. There are oil rigs in southern California, Texas, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Alaska. In fact, the United States has more oil rigs than the rest of the world combined. Would you like to enjoy the glory of experiencing a beautiful autumn in a natural setting? Apply to a petroleum company that has an oil rig in a location that interests you.