20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Unfortunately, even with 20/20 vision, we can't see into the future. Advances in technology over the next twenty years are likely to have some impact on how orthoptists do their job. But, there's no chance of becoming obsolete. That's about as likely as Queen Elizabeth getting a tattoo. Or Stevie Wonder becoming an Orthoptist.

Actually, the prospect for orthoptists is pretty good. People are living longer, and the need for health care continues to grow. Orthoptists can often help patients manage eye conditions and preserve sight well into old age (rather than strictly curing an eye condition). Plus, as more babies are born, more orthoptists will be needed to ensure proper eye development so as to lessen the chance of eye conditions developing later on in life.

To put it simply: no worries. Any way you look at it, the future is bright for orthoptists.