Bell Curve

Bell Curve


You couldn't encourage a frog to catch a fly. Your idea of a motivational speech is "Do it, or…whatever." You're also terribly out of shape. Why did you want to be a trainer again?


You're working out of your apartment and have been advertising on Craigslist. You figured it would be a good way to make use of that home gym you bought five years ago. You've gotten a few bites, but at this rate you won't be able to afford another home gym for many, many years.


You work at a small local gym and have a dozen or so clients. You pound the pavement in an effort to scrape together enough business to make a living, but the grind is wearing you down. Compared to this struggle, lifting your body weight in iron is nothing.


You're an experienced trainer at a semi-exclusive fitness facility in downtown New York. The facilities are impressive, and the membership fees are exorbitant (you get a piece of the pie). You're making $65,000, which ain't bad. You can almost afford a membership at your own gym.


You host a popular weekly workout program on cable. Half your audience tunes in just to catch a glimpse of you doing squats in those seafoam spandex shorts you're famous for wearing. It's hard to say what's looking better—your butt or your finances.