
Yeah, you're gonna want to stay up to date on worker's compensation procedures... (Source)

We're not going to lie to you. This one is a doozy.

Granted, having specific hours to stick to seems like an enviable novelty in today's coffee-fueled, work-'til-you-literally-fall-asleep professional climate. When you go home, you don't technically have to worry about anything. Sure, you probably will, especially when something goes...but you don't have to. Your work gets to stay at the plant, but your worries might not.

Most of the stress from this job derives from being the person in charge. Tons of materials will be passing through the heavy machinery at the plant on a daily basis. However, you can ease that stress burden by staying on top of safety and compliance standards. It's up to you to make sure all your employees are well-versed on the potential dangers, but doing so will help your peace of mind in the long run.

Lastly, we're not joking when we say it stinks. It really does. It's a life-changing kind of stink. And in the summers, when you add high levels of heat to the equation, that stink can start to feel like it's an extra piece of your uniform. It doesn't necessarily add to the stress, but solving even the simplest problem can seem pretty stressful when it feels like you're in a hot garbage sauna.