Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Front-End Supervisor. Salary: $23,000

Your motto is 'the customer is always right,' even when they're so very wrong (and really mean to boot). Your hustle and sunny disposition already have you managing others. Look out, world: Here you come.


Assistant Manager. Salary: $37,000

From managing a sector to shift managing the entire place? Not bad. The question now is, will you enter the management training program where you are, or get a degree to advance your career? Student discount or employee discount? Or both? Decisions, decisions...


Media Sales Director. Salary: $40,000

Getting your bachelor's paid off in a big way. You moved from customers to clients; cantaloupe to commercial ad time and eventually to managing the sales department for a local TV station. Can you climb higher? Only if you want to.


Industrial Sales Supervisor. Salary: $81,000

Your selling talents convince a client to make you an offer you couldn't refuse. An industrial sales job and company-paid tuition for an MBA? You're sold on that.


Industrial Sales Manager. Salary: $130,000

Your broad experience and ability to weather the storms over your career pays off, big time. You're the Big Cheese, the Supreme Overlord of a sales staff that runs like a well-oiled machine that never breaks down. Enjoy the view from the top.