Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Basically Still a Student. Salary: $18,000 

There used to be a social studies classroom here—now there's a smoking ruin. When the students decided to riot over your economics lesson, you just watched, too weak-willed to respond. They ran around the classroom, ripping posters off the wall. The principal was able to bring back order, but you're pretty sure you're not going to be allowed within two hundred feet of the campus.


Que Pelicula. Salary: $22,000 

You've managed to create relative calm in the Spanish classroom you've taken over for the day. You've achieved this by turning every class into a screening of The Fast and the Furious. When the principal walks by, you quickly turn up the lights and feign movement at the chalkboard, but you think she might be onto you. You decide it doesn't matter, and pop in Tokyo Drift.


Regular Substitution. Salary: $29,600 

The teacher didn't leave any lesson plan so you fumble through your own lesson. It's an English class, so you teach a brief lesson on commonly misused words. You explain to the class that "Its there responsibility to right words write!" Some laugh. Most seem bored. The day passes in relative calm, and everyone just kind of forgets today happened.


Respected Replacement. Salary: $33,000 

The teacher asks for you by name every time he's out. You always keep the class on track, and students say they like you. You organize fun activities, get kids working in groups, and you treat disciplinary issues quickly and fairly. Kids don't act up because they aren't bored. It turns out you might actually know what you're doing.


Everyone's Favorite Sub. Salary: $40,000 

Why haven't we hired this sub, already? Students ask their regular teachers to stay home, just so they can bring you in. Move over Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society—there's a new teacher in town. You get kids passionate for math and show them the romance of science. The principal is trying to figure out who she has to suspend with pay just so she can bring you on full-time.