

Because you don't need a ton of education to become a trucker but can still make a ton of bank, it's one of the better options for those who have had enough by the end of their senior year of high school. You'll need a license, obviously, and a clean driving record. Depending on the size of the trucks you're driving, you'll most likely need a commercial driver's license issued in your home state (where is that again?) (source).

Most trucking companies will also want to make sure you haven't been convicted of any felonies involving a motor vehicle. Other felonies, though? A-okay. Not really a problem in this line of work. So if you plan on serving any long prison sentences and want an idea of what you can do when you get out, trucking might be your bag.

Companies may have further individual requirements, but that's about it. Of course, if you're an indie, then your only requirements are that you have a truck and a license (source).