
The average American home has more TVs than people. This means that writers reach millions. They have the ability to influence all walks of life, from children, to meemaw, to that neighbor who never leaves the house.

Many writers use this influence to affect positive change, and frankly, this is one of the great honors of being a TV writer. The job is not only fun, it's important. Entertainment may not seem like a typical forum for social change, but whether we are aware of it or not, it influences how we see the world.

A handful of writers have become household names. There are the Lena Dunhams, Tina Feys, and Aaron Sorkins of the world, but most writers remain behind the scenes. Many actually prefer it this way, not wanting the general public to see their sweat-stained shirts and unkempt hair. While TV writers are influential, they're more like dweeby superheroes—people appreciate their intellects from afar, but never know their true identities.