Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

Except the lottery pays a little better. (Source)

We said this before, and we'll say it again. If you're hoping to make it to the Major Leagues, the odds are stacked against you. Buy yourself a lottery ticket, because it ain't all that different.

Here are some real world numbers for you: the minor leagues require 225 umpires. For all those folks following along at home, that's almost as many umpires as people who graduate from umpiring school in one year. Mind blown? There's more. The Majors only need less than seventy umpires spread over seventeen crews, and turnover is low. On average, there's only about one open umpire position in the Major Leagues every year (source). 

Go to umpire school, graduate at the top of your class, work your behind off, and if you haven't made the Major Leagues by the age of sixty-five, there's always the lottery.*

*Not actually a valid career option.