College Life

    College Life

      Private Schools That Are Well Known for This Major

      • Washington University in St. Louis
      • Columbia University
      • Boston University
      • Case Western Reserve University

      State Schools That Are Well Known for This Major

      Classes in the Major

      Psychology: This is a no-brainer: In order to help people understand and address their issues, you've got to understand how the mind works. Not knowing is like trying to fix your computer with only a degree in culinary arts—it just doesn't make sense (even though we'd love to see this guy going nuts on an HP). You'll have the opportunity to take different psych courses, so try to tailor them to what you want to do later on.

      Political Science: Social work is a quagmire of political controversy. For example, it's good to know which local candidate supports higher funding for education when you're working at a school. You also sure as shootin' don't want to support a politician who's still living in the 1920s while working at a women's support group. (Trust us.) Being able to help people involves knowing how people in power can help people. A political science class can also teach you about being politically correct.

      Human Biology: "But Shmoop, this is a social science." Astute, our young Shmooper, but consider this: Saying, "Your brain is weird" is probably not the best way to react when a mental health patient comes to you for help. Understanding the basics of life can mean the difference between getting through and being through. Consider a child who doesn't understand why he's sick. If you can explain the difference between a bacterial and viral illness, you could help him cope with his sniffles.

      Field Research: We know a lot about social environments, but we don't know nearly enough. These classes will help you understand what research is needed and how to conduct it. After all, you can't run into a class of fifth graders and start mixing chemicals. That sort of research is for the brawny science heroes. Most publishing regarding social work is academic, but liaisons are still needed to help run trials and learn about patients.

      Behavior and Social Environment: Again, duh. Social work is all about behavior and social environments. A Vietnam veteran might act differently from a twenty-year-old plumber when they're both put in the same situation. Or maybe they'll act exactly the same. Who knows? That's for you to predict and study. Realizing the situations people are in is important as a social worker.