

Learn how to get stuff from point A to point B...and to points C and D.


So, imagine you're the inventor of Selfie on a Stick. Okay? Here we go: Wow, you're pretty cool. You're like a modern-day Thomas Edison. Because of people like you, tragic tweets like these will never happen again.

Why wish for Bradley Cooper to have a freakishly long arm when you could just have a fake one? Now, with Selfie on a Stick, Jared Leto's entire face will make it into Ellen's next Oscar selfie.

You're a hero, Shmooper.

Okay, so you invented something cool. Now what? Well, you'll probably mass produce it and sell it at a novelty store or something. But where do you even start with that? Hmm. Metal, maybe? Some rubber for the grip? And how many should you even have made? Where does all this even happen? What's going on? Who in the world can you call?

Someone in supply chain management, of course. (You saw this coming.)

Okay, so that's a little unrealistic. You'll probably have to work for a company that hires supply chain managers. But still, that's what supply chain management is all about: big, scary logistics.

The supply chain is a huge network of businesses that provide products, materials, or services to other companies, helping to piece together the goods and services we consumers just go and get. Understanding the dynamics of the network is invaluable (or very valuable, depending on your reaction to your first paycheck) to keeping the network flowing and growing.

If you're interested in business systems and the logistics behind them, or maybe you're just really good at planning and keeping things organized, then this is absolutely the major for you. And hey, you might tap back into that mindset you had as a kid—everything is money: time, goods, travel, mileage; you just have to link it all together.

Famous People who majored in Supply Chain Management

Okay, so there aren't really any famous people who majored in supply chain management. It's not really a thing.

Here's a semi-famous supply chain manager, though:

  • Keith Oliver, logistician who created the terms "supply chain" and "supply chain management" back in 1982

Go Keith!

Percentage of US students who major in Supply Chain Management:

0.094% (operations, logistics, and e-commerce)

Stats obtained from this source.