Long-Term Prospects

Long-Term Prospects

Job Satisfaction

64% (for biology and horticulture averaged)

General quality of life statement

A lush work environment and a plethora of career possibilities. Plus, you'll be around all the grapes you could ever want to eat or drink, depending on your mood. Wine and pleasure go hand in hand, so why isn't everyone satisfied in this field?

Well first off, 64% is nothing to shake a cork at, but it's also worth noting that there's a very wide range of salaries that you could expect to get. A head vintner at a winery could make six figures, but a lot of smaller jobs in smaller wineries pay closer to $30,000. Not only that, but small wineries are a little like small restaurants. A lot of them go out of business.

Shmoop recommends keeping your options open.

Those with actual degrees in viticulture (compared to those with certificates of training) tend to rise through to ranks at wineries pretty quickly. So don't be afraid of jumping ship if you don't see a bright future for your current establishment. There's probably thirty other wineries one hill over.

25th Percentile Salary


Median Salary


75th Percentile Salary

$80,000 (all taken from http://work.chron.com/viticulturist-salary-7694.html)

Stats obtained from this source.