University of Colorado--Boulder

Hallmarks and Quirks

Things I'm Good At:

  • Partying. It is what it is.
  • Horses. This is the Wild West, after all, and the equestrian team is for real. Saddle up, yo.
  • Being active. There are gobs of outdoor clubs here, which makes it easier to find like-minded peeps to go skiing, boarding, hiking, biking, camping, or just wandering with.
  • Eco-activism. CU's active Environmental Center keeps a close eye on campus recycling and waste, energy use, and alternative transportation options.
  • Environmental studies and engineering. But my business, law, and science programs aren't too shabby either.

My Top 5 Must-Haves:

  • A bike. In the land of bike lanes and bike paths, don't be without.
  • A camera. I mean, even a crying two-year-old could take a share-worthy shot of the scenery here. Yep, it's that easy.
  • A ski pass. If you're even thinking about sliding down some snowy mountains, get a season pass. You can choose among several great resorts and the pass will pay for itself after a few powder days.
  • Enough clothes to layer up. One minute, it'll be eighty degrees and sunny, and the next, it'll be snowing. No joke. Never leave home without your fleece.
  • Sunscreen. The sun is said to shine 300 plus days a year here. Don't be one of those rookies with a fried nose.

Why You Might Have Heard of Me:

  • The recently legalized sale of marijuana in my state is pretty big news. Even before it was legal, my students held a 420 smokeout on campus every April 20th. I guess my students saw it coming.
  • Several Nobel Prize winners were faculty at my school. David Wineland won recently for using lasers to cool substances to just shy of absolute zero. Freezing lasers, people.
  • The Squid Server was developed by my faculty. Thanks to me, sites like Wikipedia are alive and delivering you information at lightning speed.

On a regular Saturday night, you can find me...

  • I'm probably at a house party on the Hill, most likely. And by "house," I mean rental, not frat. The Greek scene is alive and well here, but it makes up only a small part of my party action.
  • If I'm in the mood for music, the Fox Theatre is the place to go. Dark and dingy in that cool, collegey way, this Hill hangout hosts a regular procession of bands.
  • Pearl Street in downtown Boulder is a great getaway from the all-Buffs scene on the Hill. Packed with restaurants, bars, quirky shops, and even quirkier street performers, this four-block strip of brick never fails to entertain.

Favorite Hangouts:

  • The Sink, a pizza dive on the Hill, has hosted President Obama as well as thousands (millions?) of hungry and broke college students over the years. Robert Redford mopped floors here, too…maybe on his way to Hollywood.
  • Buchanan's Coffee Shop is great for studying with frequent people-watching breaks. Its front-and-center location in the Hill neighborhood puts it in the heart of the action.
  • Boulder Theater is another great place to visit. You can escape the college scene for a bit while catching some of the great musicians that grace its stage.
  • For quick burritos that can't be beat, you've got to hit up Illegal Pete's. This place taught Chipotle everything it knows.
  • Relax after class with the three B's—billiards, bowling, and beer—at The Connection, conveniently located in the University Memorial Center (UMC) right on campus.
  • Speaking of the UMC, it's known as the "living room" of campus. Come by to grab a bite here, or just relax on the steps of the outdoor fountains. This is the stuff of memories.


  • Let's get one thing straight. Even though it would make total sense for my initials to be U of C, they're not. They're CU. Not UC, not UCB. Just CU. Go with it.
  • You will be expected to participate in the care of the planet while you're here. My buses run on biodiesel. Collection bins for recyclable and compostable items abound. Even my football stadium is going for Zero Waste. Check it.

Famous Alumni:

  • Steve Wozniak, cofounder of a little company called Apple
  • Lynn Cheney, wife of former VP Dick Cheney. See, Republicans do go here. Once in a while…
  • Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of South Park. BTW, the real South Park is just a short drive away.
  • Robert Redford, actor and one handsome dude
  • Roy Romer, former Colorado governor