Speed Limits

Speed Limits

You may be very excited that the numbers on your odometer go up to 140. However, you should really only hit your car’s maximum speed when driving on the Autobahn or when being chased by a Decepticon. The rest of the time, you will have to obey traffic laws and stay under the posted speed limit.

Don’t automatically assume that you may drive 45 mph just because you see a sign that tells you that’s the limit. There is a “Basic Speed Law” in Idaho that states that all drivers must maintain a speed that is safe given the conditions. In other words, if there is bad weather or fog, nearby pedestrians or cyclists, poor road conditions, or a large number of slow-moving Napoleon Dynamite impersonators in front of you, you will have to reduce speed accordingly, no matter how bad you might want to run them over.

The State of Idaho generally does whatever it can to keep from asking drivers to make judgment calls, but this is just one of those situations where you’re going to have to think for yourself and exercise some decision-making skills. Sorry.