Blockchain Wallet

Categories: Tech, Banking

You will not be able to carry around a wallet full of bitcoin, so if you are busy buying and selling, you will need an e-wallet to store your cryptocurrencies.

A blockchain wallet (sounds a lot more impressive than a leather billfold) is a type of digital storage where you can manage your bitcoin and ether currencies. To get started, you simply set up an account online and provide an email address and password, and you will get your very own Wallet ID.

From here on, you will always be able to see the current balance for both currencies and your most recent transactions. And, just like sending and receiving money using PayPal, you can send and receive bitcoin and ether currencies from your wallet.

With three levels of security built in, you should not have to lose a moment’s sleep that some hacker is going to break in and steal all your coins. Now go ahead and order that e-pizza.

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