Certified Credit Executive - CCE

You know what's an excellent way to be considered an expert? Pay a professional organization a bunch of money to tell other people that you're an expert.

And what a business that organization is running if they can get lots of people to sign up for the same "expertise" designation.

Enter the world of accreditation by membership organizations.

The Certified Credit Executive is a person who has received the distinction of having the pulse and capacity to manage the credit of a business or individuals.

All you must do is qualify to take the CCE exam from the National Association of Credit Management (NACM). You need $385 and a membership, or you can pay $585 for the test if you're not a member. Oh, you'll also need to pay recertification fees every three years, because…the membership organization needs the money to recruit more people.

Individuals who sit for this exam have a background in financial, credit, and legal matters.

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