Charging Bull

One of the more popular tourist attractions in the financial district of New York City is the life sized “Charging Bull” bronze statue located at the tip of Broadway at Bowling Green, across from the Battery Park northern entrance and in front of the Museum of the American Indian.

Weighing 3.5 tons, it was created by artist Arturo Di Modica in 1989. It has become synonymous with the Bull Market of Wall Street that drives the Dow Jones Average up well as the bull-hooey from Wall Street analysts who promoted the CMOs that caused the 2008 banking collapse.

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Finance a la shmoop what's the difference between bear and bull? bear


pessimistic bad growly things coming Negative Nancy boo bear...Bull [Bear walking into water]


awesomesauce life's good you take it by the you know horns alright we're gonna


apply bear and bull to markets here but they apply to a whole lot of things and


a bear market is actually technical nomenclature that refers to sustained or [Bear market definition on 100 dollar bill]


prolonged periods of time where stock prices generally just fall...three


four five six seven eight quarters where the market craps the bed down down down


the bear market pattern is different from just a correction when the market


takes just a short term dump and then well you know quickly recovers yeah like [Bear market graph]


it has a bad quarter or two and then starts climbing again well that's not


the big bad bear that's just a correction a bull market is just the


opposite it goes up up up like this guy in his balloon-powered house and that's [House with balloons travels up a stock value graph]


it both are dangerous in the wild but on Wall Street huh you just have to watch


out for the Bears [Bear chasing a woman]

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