Digits Deleted

Categories: Tech, Regulations

Remember that scene in the mafia film where they cut off that guy's fingers, one by one? Yeah. That's...not this.

Instead, DD is nomenclature presented along with stock quotes, indicating that there was, in fact, a digit, um, deleted when that number was printed to the screen.

Why would a digit be deleted, and wdtm? Well, when an exchange has extremely high volume, often it can't print all of the digits it needs to print when representing stock prices. So, rather than just print nothing, it'll start to truncate.

Like...if AMZN is recently trading at $1,593.23, the DD designation might in fact print just 93.23, with the presumption that a buyer would understand that 1,500 bucks was just taken out of the quote. Saves time and space, anyway.

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