Environmental Impact Statement

Categories: Econ, Regulations

You own a frozen eclair factory and want to build additional eclair-minting capacity. Before you start construction, there are a lot regulations and red tape that you have to wade through...permits, permissions, building codes, etc.

These strictures usually require an Environmental Impact Statement. Like...Don't Pollute! That's the statement.

It's a document you produce to show how your project will impact the space around it. How will it impact the water table? Any air pollution likely? Will you endanger a local breed of rare crabgrass?

The study might show that there are no problems and your building can go ahead as designed. Or it might indicate a change in design is necessary...maybe your sewage pipe shouldn't drain directly into the river that provides the main water source for the orphanage downstream.

Or you might have to scrap the project entirely. It would just be too expensive to replant that tuft of grass in the local crabgrass sanctuary. Regardless, some neutral-ish party has to inspect the eclair add-on elements and then describe to the locals what harm you'll do, if you do the voodoo you do.

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